Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I was tagged...

1. What was the last thing you wrote?
A note to my brother earlier today. "Logan - Please turn on dryer :)"

2.What is the first thing you wrote that you still have?
Apparently when I was little, I gave my Uncle Chad a Valentine's Day card and sign it M-A-R-I-A-S-S because that's how you spell my name.

3. Write poetry?
Of course!

4. Angsty poetry?
I am 17.

5. Favorite genre of writing?
Romance...but not your mother's trashy romance and not teeny bop twilighty romance. (No offense to twilight fans) I like twilight but it's not my favorite writing.

6. How often do you get writer's block?
Quite often.

10. Do you type or write by hand?
I like to write by hand. There's just something about the way the pen feels in my hand.

11. Do you save everything you write?

12. Do you ever go back to an idea after you have abandon it?
Yes. I feel like when I first have an idea I go wherever it wants me to and then I come to a point where I just have to take a break for awhile. I'll never completely abandon something I write though.

13. What is your most favorite thing you have ever written?
A few years ago I wrote one of my friends a poem for her birthday. It was about the perfect kind of friendship (Ours) it was so sweet and it made her day. It was nice to see someone so happy with my writing.

14. Have you ever written a romance or angsty teenage drama?
Yes. It's not done, to be honest I haven't truly started it. The idea came to me a few month ago. It was like a dream but I wasn't sleeping - so I guess more like a vision I had for a book. I'll work on it one of these days.

15. What is your favorite setting for your characters?
I'm not sure, because I haven't done that much story book writing. But I do LOVE to read books that take place near bodies of water and beautiful gardens.

16. How many writing projects are you working on?

17. Have you ever won an award for your writing?
Twice. In the fourth grade I wrote a paper on about dolphins and other such sea creatures, back when I wanted to be a marine biologist. My paper made me Star Student of the Month! Ha. And then Anita gave me the Superior Scribbler Award about a month ago.

18. What are five words you use the most?
I. And. Love. Sweetheart. Cute.

19. Name some characters you have created that are most like yourself?
Hmm...I got nothin'.

21. Where do you get ideas for your characters?

22. Do you ever write based on your dreams?
Yes. Those are the best ones.

23. Do you favor happy endings?
Yes. I don't want to finish a book and be disappointed in the end. I just like proper endings for whatever kind of book I am reading.

24. Does music help you write?
Music helps me through everything.

25. Quote something you have written. Whatever pops in your head.
I'd rather not.


  1. Loved it! It's nice getting to know a different side of you. Get well soon.

  2. I was tagged too only I was not half as gracious as you were in fact I was very nearly rude to poor Heather for passing it on to me.
    You take care.
    Warm regards,
